Minggu, 15 April 2018

Birthday Celebrations in Different Cultures

Birthday Celebrations in Different Cultures

Image source: http://thumbs.dreamstime.com/z/traditional-culture-parade-foshan-china-april-temple-god-religion-temples-birthday-taoists-held-large-scale-celebration-39644188.jpg

There are many people around the world that have celebrations for their birthdays. There are many different cultures that celebrate birthdays in different ways. Birthdays are basically the celebration of someone becoming another year older. Two of the most important birthday celebrations in the world are those that are related to religious holidays. For example, Christians celebrate Christmas because it is seen as the day that Jesus Christ was born. Some cultures that follow Buddhism celebrate the day that Lord Buddha was born. Throughout each culture, there are different ways that people go about celebrating birthdays.

Typically, friends and family members gather together in order to celebrate someone's birthday. This is one of the most common threads that people around the world do in order to celebrate. There is usually a cake that is eaten during the festivities. The decorations that are on the cake symbolize the person's age, as well as the name of the person that is having the birthday. Typically, there are candles that are put on the cake, and the candles symbolize the age of the person. It is a tradition for the person that is celebrating their birthday to try to blow out the candles with a single breath. If they are able to do this, then their wish will come true. Usually, people that attend the birthday celebration will give gifts to the person that is having a birthday.

When it comes to the facts and figures of the birthdays in the United States, it has been found that the most popular months for birthdays are September and October. There are a couple of reasons for this. One of the reasons is that nine months before these months is the holiday season. In addition, this is when the winter season is, so the nights in the United States are longer.

When it comes to birthday parties for children, they are celebrated a bit differently than those for adults. During most children's birthday parties, you will find a group of kids that are there to celebrate with the child that is having a birthday. Normally, there are games that are played, and the child that is having the birthday receives toys for this occasion.

There are many people that would like to have a unique birthday party for their child. If you perform a search on the Internet, you will be able to find a wide assortment of different ideas that you can use to celebrate your child's special day.

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