Jumat, 23 Maret 2018

5 Stress Free Wedding Planning Tips Beat the Jitters

5 Stress Free Wedding Planning Tips  Beat the Jitters

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A List of Wrestling Match Types (WWE) Compiled by: WWE Characters the Blog http://wwecharacters.blogspot.com
A traditional wrestling match is usually fought between two wrestlers or two tag teams, with the rules being a winner is declared via pinfall, submission, countout or referee decision (such as disqualification or a wrestler unable to continue). Here is a comprehensive list of match types you may see in World Wrestling Entertainment. Some of these are not even standard wrestling matches, but unique contests introduced at various events. This list may be updated from time to time as new matches are created.
Arm Wrestling Opponents each place their elbow on the arm wrestling table, then lock hands. The wrestler to slam his opponents hand down on the arm wrestling table first wins.
Battle Royal Every man or woman for themselves in this match. All wrestlers involved start out inside the ring, attempting to toss their opponents over the top ropes. The last wrestler left in the ring is declared the victor!
Beat the Clock Match - This involves a normal wrestling match which has a countdown clock. These are usually part of a tournament of matches. The first wrestling match in the tournament determines the time to beat. After this, the wrestlers in the following matches try to win while beating the "best time" that has been achieved for a win.
Blindfold Match There have been may of these matches over the years. Sometimes it involves both wrestlers in a blindfold, other times it has been 1 wrestler blindfolded to put them at a disadvantage. It's a traditional match in that pinfall, submission or countout usually can apply.
Body Slam Match - The winner is the wrestler able to slam his opponent onto the mat first. First used during Wrestlemania where Andre the Giant defeated Big John Studd by slamming him to the mat first to win a $15,000 prize.
Boiler Room Brawl A match started by Mankind (Mick Foley), it involved both wrestlers starting off in the dark backstage boiler room. The wrestlers would compete until one man was the first to escape/exit the boiler room. In one match the victor had to exit the room, go to the ring and retrive the "urn" from Paul Bearer.
Boxing Match This is a traditional boxing match with timed rounds and knockouts done in the wrestling ring. These date back to the days of Hulk Hogan, Roddy Piper and Mr. T, where boxing matches were added to the wrestling cards. Recently, Matt Hardy faced Evander Holyfield in one at Saturday Night's Main Event.
Bra and Panties Match A divas match in which the diva able to strip her opponent down to bra and panties first wins. Divas such as Torrie Wilson, Trish Stratus and Stacy Keibler have been a part of these matches.
Buried Alive Match A match synonymous with the Undertaker, it involves a dirt pit or grave plot usually up near the top of the ramp. The winner is the man who is able to knock his opponent down or out and then bury them alive by shoveling dirt over them in the grave.
Casket Match Another match often associated with the Undertaker, this one involves putting your opponent into a casket first and locking it shut to gain the victory.
Costume Matches Usually diva matches with traditional rules these include matches where the divas must wear bikinis, Halloween costumes, lingerie, school girl, cheerleader or French maid costumes among others.
Elimination Chamber A six man match which has elements of the cage match, Survivor Series match and Royal Rumble. It has a 36 foot in diameter circular cage which surrounds the ring. The structure contains 4 time-locked pods inside the ring, with a wrestler in each. The other 2 wrestlers start the match, and every so often a pod is unlocked, introducing a new man into the match. Wrestlers eliminate each other by pinfall or submission, and sometimes the match involves weapons. Last man to eliminate the final opponent will win. The match is considered the invention of Eric Bischoff and originated at Survivor Series on November 17, 2002. In the match, Shawn Michaels defeated Triple H, Booker, Rob Van Dam, Chris Jericho and Kane, to take Triple H's WWE title.
Elimination Match Usually involves a number of contenders in either an "every man for himself", teams, or "every tag team for themselves" style match. As any man is pinned they or their tag team are eliminated from the match, until one wrestler or tag team remains as the winner(s). This most likely was created out of the traditional Survivor Series match.
Evening Gown Match The object of this match was for a diva to strip her opponent of her evening gown first. Sometimes it was simply a crowd appreciation type event, with fans in the crowd cheering for which diva's outfit they like better.
Falls Count Anywhere A very simple premise, to win you can pin your opponent anywhere. This includes the ring, outside the ring, in the crowd, on the ramp, backstage and even places outside of the wrestling arena.
Fatal Fourway Involves four wrestlers competing at once for the win. The man who pins any of his opponents or forces them to submit first is declared the victor.
First Blood Match The wrestler who makes his opponent start to bleed first wins!
Flag on a Pole Usually two wrestlers involved and each has a different country's flag attached to the top of a pole in separate ring corners. The winner is the first one to climb the corner ropes and retrieve their respective flag.
Gauntlet Involves one wrestler or perhaps a tag team having to face a number of opponents and defeat each of them to win. Winning all of the matches is referred to as "Running the Gauntlet". Sometimes these matches involve a stipulation such as wrestler can stay in WWE, or they achieve a goal, such as becoming #1 contender for a title.
Handicap Match A match involving one side of the competition at a disadvantage as they must face more than an equal amount of opponents. This can be a 2 on 1, 3 on 1, 3 on 2 and so forth.
Hardcore Match These matches are similar to a Street Fight, with falls counting anywhere and weapons/foreign objects being used heavily all around the ring, arena, backstage and other areas. Used to involed the WWE's Hardcore title, which was defended on a 24/7 basis by its owner. The title holder could be challenged for the title, anywhere at any time, provided a ref was there to make the count.
Hell in a Cell This is the equivalent of a cage match, except the cage may stand as tall as 20 feet around the ring. In addition, the cage has a roof enclosure. Winning wrestler is the first to pin, knockout or cause their opponent to submit.
I Quit Match The wrestlers go at each other trying to force their opponent to give up and say "I Quit". The referee will continuously ask each opponent at various times if they are ready to quit.
Inferno Match Involves a ring surrounded by flames. The winner is the first to set his opponent on fire. Kane is considered the originator of this match and has fought in several.
Ironman Match - This match usually has a time limit of 60 minutes or less. Wrestlers win by picking up more pinfalls, submissions, or countouts than their opponent in the alloted time.
King of the Ring Not necessarily a match, it is more of a tournament of matches, where wrestlers face off to advance to the next round of the tournament. The winner is the one to win each round of the tournament, beating all opponents he/she faces. Usually the winner is crowned "King of the Ring" and owns that "title" until the next tournament. King Booker is the last notable winner of this tournament.
Ladder Match - The object of this match is to be the first man to set up their ladder and climb up to retrieve a title or other object hanging above the ring. Normally these are WWE title matches. The 1st ever ladder match occurred between Shawn Michaels and Razor Ramon.
Last Man Standing In this match wrestlers continue to fight it out until one man is down for a 10 count. Usually this match can start in the ring and then continue anywhere in or out of the arena.
Lingerie Match A divas match with traditional rules, except divas compete in lingerie.
Loser Leaves Raw (or Smackdown) Match a traditional match which includes the stipulation that the losing wrestler must leave that show or brand of WWE.
Lumberjack Match Involves a group of wrestlers surrounding the ring as a match goes on inside the ring. The lumbjeracks (or Lumberjills if it's divas) are responsible for tossing competitors who go outside the ring back inside it. Often times lumberjacks will attack opponents as well, making it similar to No DQ.
Mixed Gender Tag A tag team match which involves at least one of each gender on each team. Usually the rule calls for same gender opponents to be competing in the ring at all times. Other times, these matches allow males to face females in the match. Traditional match rules apply.
Mixed Martial Arts Involves traditional rules of Mixed Martial arts instead of wrestling. Often used the "Lion's Den" which was a steel cage that looked similar to the structure MMA uses. Wrestlers such as Ken Shamrock and Steve Blackman competed in these.
Money in the Bank This is basically a ladder match with a briefcase hanging above the ring. The briefcase contains a "free contract" which can be cashed in for a title match in WWE at any time. The winner of this match is the first wrestler to set a ladder up in the ring, climb it, and retrieve the "Money in the Bank" briefcase. Edge and Mr. Kennedy are notable winners of this match.
No Disqualification A no holds barred type match which usually allows for foreign objects and outside interference to be involved. Depending on the rules these matches can involve countouts.
Paddle on a Pole - Usually two divas involved each with a paddle attached to the top of a pole in separate ring corners. The diva to climb the corner ropes and grab her paddle first wins the match, and can use the paddle on her opponent.
Pillow Fight Usually a divas match in which divas have a bed set up in the ring and can hit each other with pillows. Traditional match rules apply with pinfall, submission and countout among the ways to win. Sometimes will involve lingerie.
Pudding Match This usually involves two divas competing in an inflated swimming pool full of pudding. It can also involve other liquids such as Mud, Jello or gravy (Thanksgiving theme). The object is for a diva to pin her opponent first in the pool of liquid.
Punjabi Prison Match This match involves a cage like structure with 2 different walls around the ring made of bamboo. The first wall is 4 sides and 16 feet high, with the second wall being 8 sides and 20 feet high. To win a wrestler must climb and escape from inside the two walls, landing on both feet outside the second wall. As of 2007, this match has happened just twice in WWE history. First ever was The Undertaker vs. Big Show. More recently Batista defended the World Heavyweight Title against The Great Khali in a Punjabi Prison.
Retirement Match Usually traditional rules apply here with the stipulation being if a wrestler loses they must retire from the WWE as a wrestler or manager/personality.
Royal Rumble An annual tradition which started with its first Pay Per View in . The Rumble involves 30 participants in this match with Battle Royal type rules. However in this match, only 2 men start off the match, and every 30 seconds to 1 or 2 minutes a new competitor will come down to enter the match. Competitor's entry order is usually predetermined by a lottery type drawing prior to the match. Like the Battle Royal, opponents are eliminated when they are tossed out of the ring over the top rope, and the final wrestler left in the ring wins.
Shilaleigh on a Pole A shilaliegh is attached to the top of a pole in separate ring corners. The wreslter to climb the corner ropes and grab his shilaleigh first wins the match, and can use the item on their opponent. This match relates to the Irish wrestler, Finlay, who brings a shilaleigh down to his matches and often uses it to attack opponents.
Six-Pack Match Involved six competitors on the apron where tags were not needed to enter the match. First man to score a pinfall over any other man would win the match, often for the WWE title or other title.
Special Referee This contest usually involves a wrestler, manager, commentator or other personality from WWE acting as the official. The match rules are normally similar to those of singles competition with countouts, pinfalls, submission and DQ's as ways to be victorious.
Steel Cage Usually involves a 16 foot high steel cage which surrounds the ring with its high walls. The winner is the first wrestler to either climb up and over the cage wall and land both feet outside the ring or escape through the cage door. Other ways to win, depending on the rules include a pinfall or submission inside the cage.
Street Fight A combination match between the falls count anywhere and no disqualification. Wrestlers can use weapons anywhere and everywhere and score the pinfall anywhere.
Stretcher Match The winning wrestler is the first one to send their opponent out on a stretcher for medical attention.
Sumo Match A match which involvs a traditional Sumo ring and rules. First man to force his opponent outside of the circle wins. Wrestlers such as Yokozuna and Big Show have competed in this style of match.
Survivor Series These matches started with the original Survivor Series pay per view. They were "elimination style" matches with two teams of wrestlers, with 4 or 5 wrestlers on each team. Wrestlers attempt to eliminate opponents one by one, until all opponents on one team have been defeated. The winning side can have anywhere from 1 to all of their members left.
Table Match The object of this match is for a wrestler or tag team to set up a wooden table and slam their opponent through it first.
Texas Bullrope Match Involves one wrestler tied to each end of a Texas Bullrope, which has a metal cowbell in the middle of it. Usually the object is for one wrestler to touch each corner turnbuckle consecutively to win. Pinfall victories are also sometimes used in these matches. May also be called a "Strap match" or "Chain match".
Three Stages Of Hell A match involving three separate matches. For example, first match can only be won by pinfall, second by submission and third by knockout. Or first match is a Cage match, second match a tables match, third a ladder match. The winner is the wrestler to win 2 of these 3 matches.
TLC Match Stands for "Tables, Ladders & Chairs". This match allows and involves the use of each of those objects. Usually the winning wrestler or team is the first to set up a ladder in the ring, climb it and retrieve a WWE belt or other object such as a contract. Triple Threat Match - Involves three wrestlers competing at once. The man or woman who pins any of their opponents first is declared the victor.
Tuxedo Match This is the male version of the diva Evening Gown or Bra and Panties match. In this match usually two male managers or ring announcers start the match dressed in full tuxedos. The winner is the first man to strip his opponent of his tuxedo.
Two of Three Falls Match The wrestler or diva to win 2 of the 3 falls in the match is declared winner. Usually, traditional match rules apply with pinfall, submission, countout and DQ as ways to win a fall. Sometimes these will allow falls to count anywhere as well.
Wager Match - Traditional match with a wager stipulation attached. Most common of these involve some sort of stipulation such as a "Hair vs Hair" match, or a match where if a wrestler loses they must provide managerial services, etc.

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