Kamis, 22 Maret 2018

5 grossest edible food

5 grossest edible food

Image source: https://guidetoiceland.imgix.net/248999/x/0/the-world-s-most-disgusting-icelandic-food-6.jpg?auto=compress%2Cformat&ch=Width%2CDPR&dpr=1&h=630&ixlib=php-1.1.0&w=1200&s=5af13443ea782ba49c7d3624748e9756

There are numerous kinds of food all over the world. Most of these may be influenced by the culture of a certain country. In this light, it is quite obvious that there are foods in some countries that may just not be acceptable for people in other countries because of the difference in cultures. The list below shows a few of the grossest foods actually served and eaten by people in different countries:

1. Cow Testicles In some parts in the States, there are some restaurants that serve Calf Fries served with marinara sauce. It may sound like just any other ordinary food. When one sees it, it even looks like fried breaded mushrooms. But this is just another name for fried cow testicles! According to people who have already tasted this, it was not really so bad but had a slight taste of sweat. It was soft and kind of spongy.

2. Monkeys Brain In China and in a few other countries, restaurants actually serve monkeys brain as food! There are even some that would have a hole in the center of the table where the live monkey is placed and is paralyzed. The body of the monkey will be under the table, while the head is the one that protrudes on top of the center of the table. And when the top of its skull is cut with a knife, it will then serve as a bowl where the people dining will be getting the monkey brain from.

3. Squid Ink Ice Cream Everybody would surely know that there are tons of different flavors of ice cream. But in Japan, there is such thing as Squid Ink ice cream! As the name connotes, this ice cream flavor is made out of squid ink. So naturally, the color of this ice cream would be the same color of a squid ink, which is black.

4. Baby Mouse Wine In China, and some parts of Korea, they have wine that is infused with baby mice! This is prepared by placing about two to three day old mice into a bottle of rice wine and leaving it there to stew for at least a year. Some people use this as an alternative medicine.

5. Centipede Whisky Just like the Baby Mouse Wine in China, the Vietnamese have the Centipede Whisky. Both are similar in the sense that there are living creatures actually submerged into the alcoholic beverage. But in this case, a centipede is used.

Everyone is already familiar by now that there are just people who eat the weirdest of things, which people who were raised in different cultures would find really gross. But there are still a few who, instead of calling it gross, would see it as exotic food, and would love them! So, it would probably be safe to say that whether the food is gross or not, as long as it is really edible, then it is still food. And there are more grosser things than these dishes, such as politics, in these lifetime. Heck, some people would even eat insects and have found ways of incorporating them in recipes (an example of calling this smoothly, is the Mealworm Chocolate Chip Cookies)!

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