Sabtu, 31 Maret 2018

A Look At Kenyan Culture

A Look At Kenyan Culture

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While Kenya culture has evolved to encompass Western, Asian and Arab influences, it still retains a distinctly African identity. Examples of the dominant forms of language, dress, food, music and dance illustrate this point well.

Languages in Kenya

Although well over 40 dialects are spoken in Kenya, the languages that enjoy national appeal are English and particularly Swahili. So, even though the local languages are spoken widely in their respective tribal areas, it is a good idea for the visitor to the countryside to learn a few phrases in Swahili.

Typical Dress

While educated and affluent Kenyans have adopted the Western style of dressing of business suits, jeans and t-shirts, many communities have remained true to their traditional gear.

The world-famous Masai and Samburu continue to dress in brightly checked sheet wraps (called shukas) and lots of earrings, necklaces, armlets and bungles.

The Ogiek, a hunter-gatherer community whose ancestral home is the Mau Forest, dress primarily in hyrax skin. That said, unlike other countries such as Nigeria and Rwanda, Kenya does not have a national dress and several attempts to come up with one have proved unsuccessful. Traditional wear in Kenya therefore varies from tribe to tribe.

Kenya Food

In the food arena, many rural Kenyans continue to eat the food that their ancestors did. The Luo relish their fish and millet, the Kikuyu their irio (Irish potatoes, peas, maize and greens mashed together) and the Masai's diet consists of meat, blood and milk.

Admittedly, Pilau rice, chapatti and samosas which are borrowed from Asia, are delicacies at the coast. In addition, chips and deep fried chicken are served at many eateries around the country. However, these are not quite as popular as ugali and nyama choma. So if Kenya has a national food at all, it has to be these 2.

Ugali is a maize (corn) flour cake that is baked over an open flame while nyama choma is barbecued meat, typically goat, beef or lamb. This is often eaten with kachumbari, a spiced tomato, onion and chilly relish.

Dance and Music

Music and dance are important components of Kenya culture and are mostly performed at important ceremonies such as weddings and initiations. The nature of Kenyan music and dance also varies from region to region.

The Luhya's music is fast-paced and integrates different beats concurrently. The Luo dance is more measured with the dancers following the rhythm of the nyatiti, a traditional lyre.

Along the Kenya coast, Taarab, which betrays Arab and Indian influences, is popular. It is sung by women who slowly and elegantly gyrate from side to side with a belly dance. They are often accompanied by an Arab drum and beat.

The Masai dances performed by men culminate in a jumping contest with the higher one is able to jump, the better he is. Costumes and props such as masks, shields and spears are vital aspects of most of the dances.

Kenyans are famous for their passion for song and dance. A popular music genre called benga, which fuses Kenyan and Western influences, is popular in nightclubs around the country.

Time Flies By

Because Kenyans move at their pace, timekeeping isn't one of the Kenyans' virtues. So there is nothing untoward about being an hour or 2 late for an appointment. And, handshaking is an indispensable part of greeting.

Where to Experience Kenya Culture

While in Kenya, there are several good places to experience Kenya culture. Through the traditional homesteads, music and crafts that are showcased, the Bomas of Kenya gives you a good glimpse into the culture of Kenya.

The National Theater is also an excellent place to watch performances of music, dance and plays from the different regions of the country.

Museums, such as those in Nairobi, Mombasa and Kisumu are great for observing how Kenya culture has evolved over time. The biggest and most exciting of of these is the Nairobi National Museum located on Museum Hill in Nairobi.

However, the traditional villages dotted all over the country are the best places to experience authentic, unedited aspects of Kenya culture. There are several of these near the Masai Mara, Amboseli, Samburu, Lake Victoria, Mombasa and Lamu and that can be visited during a safari to these popular tourist destinations.

A Guide to Vanilla Bean Production

A Guide to Vanilla Bean Production

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Vanilla beans are diversely useful when it comes to the kitchen. They add flavor to bland dishes while enhancing the taste and aroma of other delicious treats. But have you ever wondered why these beans are as expensive as they are?

The simple answer is that growing these beans is a very time and labor consuming activity. Here we shall look at how Bourbon Madagascar vanilla beans and the likes are grown and harvested.


Vanilla beans are beans in name only. They are actually the plant of the Vanilla Planifolia, an Orchid plant that was primarily found in Mexico. To successfully grow whole vanilla beans a farmer must start by planting such an Orchid plant in richly fertile soil.

In order for the Orchid to grow successfully a humid climate is required. Temperatures should be between 15 and 30 degrees centigrade, while rainfall is needed regularly. As such, the majority of vanilla beans are produced in tropical climates, including those of Mexico, Tahiti, Indonesia and Madagascar are considered particularly rich, making it the African island one of the favored produces of vanilla in the world. Bourbon Madagascar vanilla beans account for about a third of global production.

It is recommended that plants are set between September and November in these tropic climates.


To successfully grow whole vanilla beans farmers must pay close attention to the plants that grow on the Orchid tree. Beans emerge after blossoms have been pollinated. The Vanilla Planifolia can only be naturally pollinated by Mexican bees known as the Melipona. As these bees cannot exist anywhere except Mexico, most vanilla orchids are manually pollinated.

The blossoms of the Orchid plant are only susceptible to pollination for a few hours, meaning farmers have to check regularly to see which blossoms are ready. A number of artificial pollination methods can be adopted, but they all stem from a process invented by Edmond Albius, which requires the transference of male pollen from the anther to the female stigma using a stick or similar simple device.

Pollination takes place in spring.


Vanilla Orchid plants grow upwards, vine-like. As they grow older they change from a dark brown color to a yellowish green. As with the pollination process, deciding when vanilla beans have fully matured is a long and laborious task.

It takes approximately 10 months for the beans to mature, although no two beans are the same so one may be ready one month early while another may require an additional month or two. As such, a farmer again needs to check on each individual bean on an almost daily basis.

When a bean is ready (it should be between 10 and 15 centimeters) it is hand-picked and prepared for curing.


The process of curing beans from the vanilla orchid is as follows:

? Killing

? Sweating

? Drying

? Conditioning

After the bean is picked, a farmer will remove any necessary vegetative matter to prevent the bean from growing. It is possible for vanilla beans to grown after being removed from the Orchid plant, but once they have reached an optimum length they are likely to split, thus wasting the bean.

Sweating involves heating the beans up for a set period of time. There are a number of methods that can be used, including exposing the whole vanilla beans to the sun, using an oven, or wrapping them in cloth and leaving in a hot place (45-65 degrees centigrade). The act of sweating gives the beans their distinctive dark coloring. Due to a mixture of the Madagascan sun and the beans genetic make-up, Bourbon Madagascar vanilla beans are some of the darkest vanilla beans you are likely to see.

During the sweating process, vanilla beans retain water to the extent that nearly 70 per cent of the bean is moisture. Farmers therefore spend up to four weeks drying these whole vanilla beans out. Again, each bean must be carefully and evenly dried to prevent loss of vanillin.

Following this the beans are stored in boxes for up to six months for conditioning. This allows the vanilla flavor and aroma to reach its highest and most aromatic point. Only after all of this, which takes years in total, can the likes of Bourbon Madagascar vanilla beans be prepared for export, shipping and your kitchen.

A Couple Of Bad Eating Habits You Should Know About

A Couple Of Bad Eating Habits You Should Know About

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People are obsessed with dieting and weight loss! Don't believe me? Just tune-in to any source of're instantly bombarded with the latest diet schemes and "Hollywood" food fads. Here in America, we have built a thriving industry trying to control our weight and treat the consequences of over-indulgence. The cost of weight loss and obesity related health care treatments is staggering... Americans alone spend around $114 billion every year! And even with all this interest in losing weight, we continue to pack on the pounds like never before...

- A whopping 64 percent of U.S. adults are either overweight or obese...up about eight percent from earlier estimates.

- Among children and teens ages 6-19, 15 percent or almost nine million are overweight...triple the rate in 1980!

- Nearly one-third of all adults are now classified as obese.

For Americans, modern life may be getting TOO easy. Our cushy lifestyle means we expend less energy and consequently need fewer calories to sustain our normal body weight.

Think about it for a moment...

Entertainment no longer requires energy expenditure. In fact, it's usually quite the opposite. We now entertain ourselves in the comfort of our own home while watching TV and munching on our favorite snack. Whether it's television, computers, remote controls, or automobiles, we are moving less and burning fewer calories. Common activities that were once a part of our normal routine have disappeared...activities like climbing stairs, pushing a lawn mower or walking to get somewhere.

And please do not misunderstand me...I appreciate comfortable living just as much as the next person. But, here is the problem...

With all of our modern day conveniences and "cushy" style of living we have not adjusted our caloric intake to compensate for our decreased caloric expenditure. We consume more calorie rich and nutrient deficient foods than ever before. Consider a few of the following examples comparing what we eat "today" vs the 1970's (U.S. Department of Agriculture survey):

- We are currently eating more grain products, but almost all of them are refined grains (white bread, etc.). Grain consumption has jumped 45 percent since the 1970's, from 138 pounds of grains per person per year to 200 pounds! Only 2 percent of the wheat flour is consumed as whole wheat.

- Our consumption of fruits and vegetables has increased, but only because French fries and potato chips are included as vegetables. Potato products account for almost a third of our "produce" choices.

- We're drinking less milk, but we've more than doubled our cheese intake. Cheese now outranks meat as the number one source of saturated fat in our diets.

- We've cut back on red meat, but have more than made up for the loss by increasing our intake of chicken (battered and fried), so that overall, we're eating 13 pounds more meat today than we did back in the 1970's.

- We're drinking three times more carbonated soft drinks than milk, compared to the 1970's, when milk consumption was twice that of pop.

- We use 25 percent less butter, but pour twice as much vegetable oil on our food and salads, so our total added fat intake has increased 32 percent.

- Sugar consumption has been another cause of our expanding waistlines. Sugar intake is simply off the charts. People are consuming roughly twice the amount of sugar they need each day, about 20 teaspoons on a 2000 calorie/day diet. The added sugar is found mostly in junk foods, such as pop, cake, and cookies. In 1978, the government found that sugars constituted only 11 percent of the average person's calories. Now, this number has ballooned to 16 percent for the average American adult and as much as 20 percent for American teenagers!

Unfortunately, it would seem that the days of wholesome and nutritious family dinners are being replaced by fast food and eating on-the-run. We have gradually come to accept that it's "OK" to sacrifice healthy foods for the sake of convenience and that larger serving portions equate to better value.

It's time recognize that we are consuming too many calories and time to start doing something about it! Each of us can decide TODAY that healthy eating and exercise habits WILL become a normal part of our life!

We can begin by exploring our values, thoughts and habits... slowly and deliberately weed-out the unhealthy habits and activities and start living a more productive and rewarding life. And remember, it has taken a long time to develop bad habits, so be patient as you work toward your goal!

The information contained in this article is for educational purposes only and is not intended to medically diagnose, treat or cure any disease. Consult a health care practitioner before beginning any health care program.

Jumat, 30 Maret 2018

A Complete Review For Cake Decorating Supplies

A Complete Review For Cake Decorating Supplies

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I remember my first experience to really good (handy) cake decorating supplies was when I was a kid and at that time used to enjoy watching my grandmother baking and decorating. My grandmother would bake as well as cool a set of cakes, ice the layers and the cake in completion, subsequently - it was time for the greatest delight for me - when she would reach out to a special cabinet and take out cake decorating supplies in a package that looked like a gift box: the cake decorating supplies were kept stored in parts, each part fitting into its own cardboard cutout form. One by one Gram would slowly pull out the metal barrel, the plunger, the washer, and one or more of the tips...these tips were used to make leaves, or flowers, or perhaps to do tubing, to set stars.

Gram would put together the pieces and spoon one color frosting at a time into the cool metal tube, screw back on the plunger, and begin to work on decorating, which at times would take hours that were probably arduous, despite the fact that she never expressed a single complaint and neither did I move, fascinated as I was by the process, till she was done completely. Years later, when I had my own home, my grandmother had sent me a set of cake decorating supplies that were similar to her set. At times I practiced, and found these decorators to be incredible things of beauty - in form and function (and durability).

Though at some point later, I lost or loaned and never got back my cake decorating supplies, and changed them with the ultra-professional frosting bags and decorating tips, which were just as lovely (though if you have hot hands, the canvas bags transfer the heat-faster than it would with the metal set--to the frosting and it will puddle, so hold the bag by the top where you have twisted or folded it).

Last Christmas, I wanted to give a friend who had just gotten into gourmet baking a set of those cake decorating supplies of yore. Since I didn't find the time to go online, I found, rather stupidly, a discounted cake decorator at a local department store. Actually the thing doesn't stay closed (at the plunger and cap), and it is plastic and stays greasy after washing. Ugh. Despite the fact twenty years ago I would have had an excuse, however today, I should know better...and use a site like eBay, where we not only find cake decorating supplies but those of the quality of the originals: A good tip is to either look for the brand name Wilton or use keywords like "vintage" or "original" or "aluminum"...for the kind of cake-decorating supplies Gram had.

A Colorful Tropical Wedding Theme

A Colorful Tropical Wedding Theme

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Now that summer is here my thoughts are turning to wonderful summer wedding themes. Here I have looked at a tropical theme which provides a colorful and eye catching color palette.

Whether your wedding is on a distant tropical shore (you lucky things) or closer to home, this theme will work anywhere and really gives a sense of anything goes Here is my take on creating a tropical wedding scheme that everyone will love.

Colors Go for vibrant fuchsia pink, bright red, orange, lime green and aqua blue for a fiesta style scheme. This opens up many possibilities for your decorations, accessories and flowers something your florist will love you for

If you want something a little more subtle then choose a combination of two colors teamed with white. For instance, try combining fuchsia pink, aqua blue and white; or lime green, aqua blue and white.

Locations As mentioned this scheme can really work anywhere. Beaches perhaps offer the best venue, but gardens, marquees and open spaces can work equally as well.

This theme doesn't have to be confined to a summer wedding either. Beat the winter blues by using for a winter wedding; just find a location with a large room so you have a space that is light and airy opulent ballrooms would be a step too far with this scheme

Food and Drink If you are outside then a BBQ is perfect with some tropical inspired dishes.

Serve up a refreshing lemon sorbet for dessert the perfect foil for spicy Jamaican food

Serve up Pina Colada's during cocktail hour or some white rum punch complete with added tropical fruits. For the nonalcoholic drinkers put together a refreshing fruit punch instead.

Decorations Look for some colorful paper garlands, funky garden candles for outdoors and colorful glass candle holders. Make your centerpieces from carved fruits and provide your guests with some colorful confetti in the form of orange and pink rose petals.

If you are having an outdoors buffet then let your guests help themselves with some colorful picnic tableware and glasses. Afterwards they can relax on a fun hammock or take some shade under a colorful parasol.

Place Cards and Wedding Favors Make pretty name cards from cocktail umbrella's by adding a name tag wrapped around the stick. Or print your own name and table number cards at home, add in some colorful tropical motifs such as hibiscus flowers, pineapples and pink flamingos. Why not make your table numbers places instead by using postcards from your favorite tropical paradises.

For your wedding favors your could give out fun shaped cookies, candies in palm tree shaped boxes or create beautiful favor boxes by adding a gorgeous tropical flower head to the top.

Finishing Touches Have your wedding cake made with tropical fruit flavors either in sponge or in a cheesecake variety. Choose a different flavor for each tier and make sure they are colored accordingly, for instance one orange, one lemon, one lime; fill in the space between each tier with corresponding fresh fruits.

Have your guests entertained with a steel band. They will create the laidback feel of the Caribbean and get your guests in the party mood.

A Cheesecake Troubleshooting Guide

A Cheesecake Troubleshooting Guide

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A cheesecake should be relatively trouble free but occasionally problems do come up. Over the years, we've been asked the following questions.

"What's the easiest way to make crumbs for my crust?"

Lots of folks use a food processor; we don't bother. We use a heavy duty zipper-type plastic bag and crush the crackers or cookies with a rolling pin a few at a time. We save the plastic bag for the next crust. If we're in a hurry, we just use packaged graham cracker crumbs rather than crushing crackers.

"I have lumps in my cheesecake. How do avoid those?"

Most likely the lumps are from globules of cream cheese in your batter. Before adding any of the other ingredients, beat the cream cheese and granulated sugar together until completely mixed. The sugar crystals will cut through the cream cheese breaking up the globules. In the heat of the oven, the sugar will melt further breaking up any pieces.

If you are adding melted chocolate, that could create lumps. When the melted chocolate hits the cool batter, the chocolate may solidify before it has a chance to be dispersed. You can solve that problem by seeing that your chocolate is well-heated and hot before adding it to your batter. Be sure to keep the mixer running as you drizzle in the melted chocolate.

"I bake my cheesecake for the time specified in the recipe and the center is still soft. What am I doing wrong?"

You're probably doing nothing wrong. Baking times in recipes are always estimates and can be affected by the temperature in your oven (calibrated temperatures are seldom right), the depth of the batter, whether the pan is light or dark (dark pans bake faster), how cold your batter is, and other factors. Don't worry about the time and just bake it until it done. (See the next question.)

"How do I tell when my cheesecake is done?"

There are three ways. You can gently shake the cheesecake. If only the center is still jiggly, it's done. This is not very precise but with practice, you can get good with this method.

The most common way is to stick a knife in the batter about one-inch from the center. If it's done, it will come out clean.

The most accurate way is with an insta-red thermometer. The proteins in the eggs coagulate and set at about 170 degrees Fahrenheit. Stick the probe of the thermometer into the center of the cheesecake and see if it reads 170 degrees.

"How do I stop my cheesecake from cracking?"

A cheesecake top without a crack seems to be the ultimate measure of success. It shouldn't be. A crack doesn't affect the taste. Many cheesecakes are topped and the topping covers any cracks.

There may be a number of reasons for cracks:

- Too much air incorporated into the filling may cause cracks.
- Too much baking time will over bake the filling and is a common cause of cracks.
- Uneven baking may be a cause. If you are using light gauge, reflective pans, consider switching to heavier gauge, dark pans.
- Too high of heat may cause cracking. Consider baking at 325 degrees instead of at 350 degrees.
- It your cheesecake cools too rapidly, it may develop cracks. Don't let your cheesecake cool in a draft.

Cheesecakes with starch in the filling are less prone to cracking.

"My crusts crumble when I try to serve my cheesecake. What am I doing wrong?"

It's the butter that acts as the mortar holding the crumbs together. The butter needs to be well mixed with crumbs. There has to be enough butter, a minimum of four tablespoons per crust. The mixture needs to be compacted with firm pressure. We use a pastry tamper or heavy mug to compress the bottom and to press the sides.

Always cut and serve your cheesecake cold. That way the butter is a solid. If the cheesecake gets too warm, the butter melts and the crust will crumble.

Baking a crust is not necessary but it does tend to hold the crust together. The sugar melts in baking and tends to hold things in place once it cools and sets.

"I always seem to muck up my slices when I cut my cheesecake. What's the best way to cut a cheesecake?"

Use the right knife, a sharp, thin-bladed knife. Don't use a serrated knife as filling and crumbs tend to stick to the serrations.

Cut with a downward pressure, dragging the knife as little as possible. After each cut, wash and dry the knife so that you have a clean blade slicing through the cheesecake.

"My slices seem to stick to the base and it's hard to remove them. Is there an easy way to neatly remove my slices?"

Yes. Take a wet dish towel and heat it in the microwave. Set the base with the cheesecake on the hot towel. The hot towel will soften the butter in the crust and allow the slices to slide off without sticking.

It helps to have a springform pan with a smooth base.

Kamis, 29 Maret 2018

A Basic Guide to Generators

A Basic Guide to Generators

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Generators, in simple terms, transform mechanical energy into much-needed electricity. There are many kinds of generators, and the larger the generator, the more power is produced. At one end of the scale, mega structures like dams produce enough electricity to power entire cities and large swaths of entire nations. On the opposite end, portable generator sets produce a small amount of electricity to power a few portable devices, and maybe one or two power-hungry appliances.

One of the earliest forms of the generator is called the dynamo, derived from the Greek word for power or force. The dynamo is considered as the precursor to many power conversion devices that are used today, like the electric motor. Alternators have since taken over many of the functions dynamos perform. Today, large generators have allowed large-scale centralised power generation that can be distributed to far away areas through transmission lines.

In the mid-1800s, English scientist Michael Faraday formalised the principles surrounding electromagnetic induction and the transformation of mechanical energy into electricity. Prior to Faraday's discovery, scientists have recognised metallic and nonmetallic conductors and their potential usage in the transformation of energy.

By the turn of the 20th century, people have recognised the utility and importance of electricity in improving everyday life. Governments all over the world began to build power grids that aimed to encompass an entire nation, albeit at a slow pace. Those beyond the reach of these grids improvised in order to take advantage of new inventions like domestic refrigerators and light bulbs. People utilised petrol-driven generators to create a working electric current. Some even converted old windmills and water wheels to generate electricity.


Electric current flow is either alternating (AC) or direct (DC). In direct current, the electricity only flows in one direction, or in a loop. In alternating current, the electric charge regularly changes directions.

Ohm's law is handy to keep in mind when talking about electricity. According to Ohm's law, the current is directly proportional to the voltage. Voltage, on the other hand, is the force responsible for driving electrons along a conductor.

The less resistance voltage experiences, the higher the current, meaning the flow is improved. We use ohm for measuring resistance and ampere for current. Watt, meanwhile, is the measure of power.

Power Generation

There are many generators for sale, and all generators, regardless of type or size, operate on the same principle. A hydroelectric dam like the Three Gorges Dam or Hoover Dam generates electricity through a complex system of turbines, shafts, magnets and metal coils. Small generator sets use the same elements that are used in large hydroelectric dams. In this case, water turbines are replaced by internal combustion.

Many factors affect the power that drives the generator. Altitude, fuel type, ambient temperature and other factors can affect the generator unit itself and the power source.

Simply put, a generator unit is the inverse of an electric motor. Electric motors convert electrical energy into mechanical energy, while electrical generators convert mechanical energy into electrical energy. But the concept is much more complex than that. In generator units, a mechanical force drives the shaft coupled to the rotor and electricity is generated in the armature windings. In an electric motor, magnetic forces drive the shaft.

Generators also operate according to a simple concept: The higher the RPM and the power, the more electric current is generated. If the user powers down the engine, voltage is lowered and amperage is increased, which could lead to damage to the generator's components. Furthermore, drawing more wattage than the generator can provide will damage the generator unit and associated electronics.

There exists a common misconception that generator units are loud machines. The generator itself is not exceptionally loud. The engine that drives the generator is the one creating the noise.

Rabu, 28 Maret 2018

12 Secrets For Planning a Perfect Surprise Party

12 Secrets For Planning a Perfect Surprise Party

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Planning a surprise party is no one's cake walk, it requires a lot of hard work and even then many times it happens that the party doesnt live up to the expectations. While planning, we expect things to go in a particular way and never deviate from the plan but when finally the day comes, and we realize its not according to the plan it is going to get chaotic. But when everything goes according to the plan and the party is better than what we expected it to be and the person being celebrated loves the party and the surprise, we are on top of the world. But throwing a surprise party that is a success is a very difficult thing to do and can get pretty hectic times.

Though throwing a successful surprise birthday party is not easy, it is something that everyone wants to do and have others do it for them at least once. Surprise parties have a way of making people feel like a part of something and also make them feel alive. We forget everything and enjoy the moment far away from the reality. To organize surprise parties like that, there are a few tips for the planning that not many know about, but I am going to reveal these secrets to you people so that never in your life will you plan a surprise birthday party that isnt awesome. These secrets of a perfect surprise party are:

The first and foremost thing to remember is to act normal. Many people usually tend to get excited or anxious and blurt the surprise out or say something due to which the person can guess what is happening. Therefore, it is very important that this doesnt happen; people should be able to avoid any question asked by that person in a way that doesnt seem suspicious.
Dont leave any trace. Usually, it is those small things such as an unread message regarding the party, visiting card of a bakery or a florist, etc. due to which the person gets to know about the party.
Strike up a normal conversation with the person and in between just ask something that you to know for the sake of planning the party. It might be anything that he/she wants to buy, want to do on her birthday or anything else he/she is interested in.
Gently try to get a sneak peek of his/her phone so that you can get a list of his/her close friends and invite them to the party so that the person being celebrated will be truly happy to see everyone he/she loves in te same room.
Though planning the party in a fancy club or restaurant might give it a nice ring to it. But if it is done in a place that the person loves, which might be his/her home, terrace or a bar you people regularly go to, it will make the person genuinely happy and touched.
Try to get into contact with his/her school or college friends with whom he/she lost contact and request them to come to the party. There wont be a better surprise than this for them.
Make sure that right from the decorations to the food, everything is according to his/her taste so that the day is truly theirs.
Another important part of the party to remember is the music. Music has the power to pump up the party and also to ruin it completely. Therefore, the music has to be chosen wisely by keeping the taste of the crowd that will be present and also mainly the person who is being surprised.
Many people mess up is in hiding the vehicles of the guests that make it pretty apparent that there is a surprise party waiting for them. So it is very important to make sure that all the vehicles are arranged someplace else so that the person cluelessly enters the venue.
To get the best reaction from the person, as everyone to hide anywhere they can and the moment the person enters the room everyone pops out yelling surprise.'
Think of an excuse to bring the person to the place where the party is planned. And it has to be done a way that the person doesnt get suspicious.
So as to make the party more interesting, plan a few games that are entertaining so that everyone is having a great time.

These are the most important things that are supposed to be remembered if you want to throw an amazing surprising birthday party . Also, dont forget to capture these precious moments.

Selasa, 27 Maret 2018

12 Scariest Halloween Costume Ideas - FREE Freaky Halloween Costume Tips For Trick Or Treat Night

12 Scariest Halloween Costume Ideas - FREE Freaky Halloween Costume Tips For Trick Or Treat Night

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Scariest Halloween costumes Not all parents is in a financial situation to be spending money they can ill afford on Halloween costumes for their kids, and this is sad for the mom and dad who want to do right by their children this Halloween night, but find their hands tied due to situations. Parents know it's the Halloween costume that's the icing on the cake that will put a smile on their kiddies face but when money is tight what are parents supposed to do. Is the decision to go deeper in debt and buy a scary Halloween costume (ghoul, witch, bat, or vampire) the right thing to do, or, watch their children sit at home disheartened on one of the most exciting nights of the year purely celebrated by kids? Well your troubles are over because the fairy godmother has waved her magic wand and your kids "will go to the ghoul." For this to happen you need to make your own freaky outfits so the kids can go trick and treating, in a Halloween costume guaranteed to frighten the pants off anyone they meet. The good thing about making your own creations you can add as much or as less as you like.
Any Halloween costume tailor made to your own liking and with personal bits and bobs attached, and how you use face paint will make your costume by far the best ever on the night.

If you're in a position to splash the cash then you will find plenty of commercial costumes available in shops that deal in fancy dress costumes or other. Scariest Halloween costumes don't come scarier than the Grim Reaper believe me. If you go trick or treating as this character, then there's a possibility your treat bag will fill up quicker than you can imagine because folk will want rid of you mighty fast.

Below are Halloween ideas at an expense you can afford, that's if there is any expense at all because the list below may include items you already have in the home. If this is the case your costume will be free.

Ghost V Grim Reaper - The most obvious is the white sheet to dress a child or adult as a ghost with eye cut outs and a mouth slit, however because it's a common cheap idea you might want to evade this one. But if you're up for it, then paint a scary face on the sheet. Make sure the sheet is not to long so the child doesn't trip. Tie a rope around the waist with a plastic axe or sword hanging from it... You could dye a white sheet brown, and purchase a cheap plastic scythe and skeleton mask if you want to go trick or treating as the Grim Reaper.

Scarecrow is a fabulous costume for the occasion, and easy to make Get and over sized shirt and a well worn pair of pants with patches, (make the patches yourself or tear holes in the pants.) Use a rope for the belt and tie some round the cuffs of the sleeves and bottom of the pants. Stuff and pad the shirt and pants with paper, and have little wisps of straw hanging out here and there Add make-up of your choice to make your scarecrow face sad, angry or happy.

Freaky Old man: You will need dark pants rolled up, shirt, cap or hat, pipe, jacket and walking stick. Grey the hair, with any of the commercial temporary colors, or dust with flour. Make sure what you use is safe and will come out in a wash.

Mummy - Wrap yourself in white bandages (rolls of gauze) you could cut a white sheet up in strips for this instead of buying bandages. Use splotches of green paint for "mould". Use white face paint and draw on some "age lines." If there is to be blood tears then use special red paint purposely created for this.

Frightening Quasimodo the Hunchback of Notre Dame is one of my all time favorites outfits for a Halloween costume Make and mold the "hunchback" out of foam or use a cushion. Find an old coat that the hump will sit comfortably in, and that is a safe length for your child, as the coat will be of larger size to accommodate the hump. Old, scruffy clothes are best! Carry a bell to make things more realistic so the character appears as he should.

Scary Pirate - Create a fake wooden leg by wrapping your bad one in brown felt. Wear flared trousers with a striped top (black is best.). Tie a bandana (one of mom's scarves) around your head; wear an eye patch you have made yourself with black plastic or felt and thin elastic. Be careful with what fabrics you use by the eye.

Creepy Black Spider - For the legs grab you will need some cheap black hose, stuff with anything dark and light weight. Sew to keep stuffing from falling out. It's a bit like making sausages. This is not to be done while the spider Halloween costume is on the child. Pin or tack stuffed hosing to the garment, add cosmetics for more spider effects

Eerie Lady Bug - Use a pair of black leggings and black sweat shirt and same color shoes. Use a large piece of cardboard and cut out a large oval. Paint it red with black dots. Staple black elastic pieces (in a loop) onto the board to make arm holes. For the eerie ladybug costume to fall into place you need to add the antennas. For this fasten craft pipe cleaners with black pomp pomes on the ends to a headband.

Terrifying Serial Killer Stick (glue) cereal boxes to a shirt or sweater, make slits in all the boxes, glue in plastic knives or swords into the slits, drip red paint running down from the knife slits.

Bloodcurdling Vampire Black Bat - Using a black umbrella and wearing a black leotard, Rip the umbrella in half. Remove the inside and umbrella spikes and discard immediately to avoid any accidents. You can sew the edges of the umbrella to the back of the body for bat wings. Use make- up as needed for what your bat is to look like.

Chilling Butterfly - Wear a black leotard with matching black shoes. Use a piece of poster board and paint in colors of your own choice. Cut them out in a butterfly wing shape. Punch two holes toward the edges of the wings. Thread black ribbon through them and tie around waist. Affix pipe cleaners and pompoms to a plastic head band. Pompoms are easy to make using wool and cardboard. Ask mom how to do this, and if you are mom and you haven't a clue, then go online for picture details.

Another great money saving idea when dressing kids up in their scariest Halloween costumes is to

Make Your Own Halloween Face Paint 2 tablespoons of soft shortening 4 tablespoons of cornstarch Food coloring usual colors for Halloween is normally White - Black - Green and Red being the hot favorite for pretend blood

Blend ingredients shortening and cornstarch together. Separate the recipe into two cups, add food coloring. Apply a thin coat of cold cream to the entire face before using your homemade Halloween makeup

Now you're ready to go and frighten the life out of all those of them whose door you knock trick or treating. Have you ever heard that saying "Go knock em dead" (excuse the pun,) well before you do make sure they fill your trick or treat bag first.

The Scariest Halloween Costumes ever - Cosmetics for treating Dry Skin if using face paint

10 Local Indian Sweets Which Are Famous

10 Local Indian Sweets Which Are Famous

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10 local Indian sweets which are famous

The whole world knows about the diversity of India and its presence in almost everything, whether it is in geographical regions, languages etc. So how can the food category be left behind? From the staple food to sweets, every region of India is unique and famous. We Indians love being foodies and feel pride in that. Lets have a look at ten famous Indian sweets and where do they come from, Not necessarily in the order.
1.Rasgulla of West Bengal.
Who doesnt know about this sweet? Made from suji and cottage cheese, these soft, milky, round and white syrupy sweets are best when consumed chilled.
2.Mysore Pak of Mysore.
The city of Mysore is famous for these. Made with gram flour, lots of ghee and sugar, it just melts in our mouth with a delicious taste.
3.Petha of Agra.
Yes, Agra is not only famous for the Taj Mahal, but also for these tasty Pethas. These translucent candy-like soft cubes with a sweet sugary liquid are just irresistable to eat just a few.
4.Chikki of Lonavala.
These nutritious sweets from Lonavala are very famous. Laden with groundnuts, sesame, jaggery and nuts, they can be consumed as a dessert or between meals too.
5.Coconut Cake of Goa.
This sweet from Goa is rich with four types of coconuts, a hint of rosewood and floral aroma. Such a unique cake is a must try as it is very different than our regular cakes.
6.Adhirasam of Tamil Nadu.
This sweet is consumed in most of Tamil Nadu during all the festivals. Made with rice flour and jaggery, it is being consumed since the ancient times.
7.Sewaya Kheer of Punjab.
This Punjabi dessert is really very lip smacking to have. It is made from cardamom spiced milk and added with dried fruit, nuts and toasted vermicelli noodles.
8.Payasam of Kerala.
This rich dessert is sweet, sticky, creamy and very popular in the south. Jaggery and coconut milk is used in its making and topped with some dry fruits.
9.Kajjikaya of Andhra Pradesh.
This sweet is prepared by rolling out small balls of maida dough in thin puris and a mixture of sugar, dry coconut, cardamom powder and semolina, then it is fried.
10.Gujia of rajasthan.
This sweet dumpling is made with maida flour or suji and stuffed with khoya, dry fruits and coconuts. The packaging looks like a samosa, but is very distinct. It is really delicious to eat.
Hope you liked the article. We at Onyyx, look forward to your response on our official website of Onyyx India Pvt. Ltd. is a sweet shop, part of famous Indian brand Aarihant Mithais and Namkeen since the 90s. We make a wide range of value-added and qualitative mithai products for all. To stay up to date with us, follow us on Facebook-, Google+-, and Twitter-

10 Greatest Tools to Help You Designing Infographics Creatively

10 Greatest Tools to Help You Designing Infographics Creatively

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Infographics themselves have a great value and can help you amplify your content. It cut down the unnecessary noise to give the readers the actual message with a bit of graphics to make them connected. But, is it easy to make an infographic? You must be wondering if any separate skill is needed to design an infographic. You definitely need some creative ideas but the effort of executing the ideas is a piece of cake if you use a tool. Yes!! There are tools that help you create infographics like a professional. Some of the tools are mentioned below are some of the best tools out in the market that help you design the most effective infographic.


Canva has made a huge impact on the online design space industry. With a walkthrough video 23 Second Guide to Beautiful Design, your journey at Canva begins. There are multiple options in Canva, irrespective of your moto to design an infographic. Your project could e personal, work related or even social media based; Canva has the right template for any of your project. It is a very power and simple-to-use online tool.


With Visme you can create extraordinary and interactive infographics, presentation, and many engaging contents. It has a vast collection of templates with a huge library of icons and free shapes. The templates are really simple and adorable. The tool saves a lot of your time. You can turn your static infographic into an attractive one with all those built-in animation features that the tool provides.


If you need to develop a data-centric infographic, infogram could be the best choice. The infographics developed on this tool are clear and very easy to read. If you wish to include dynamic infographics, the tool also provides a developer API for developers to embed it to your site. Moreover, these embedded infographics are interactive and responsive so that they look great even viewed on a mobile or a tablet.


So you want to create and publish an infographic but you do not want to design it. If you want someone else to design it. Well, Visually solves your problem. At Visually you can over 100o freelancers that are hand-picked. These freelancers will closely work with your team to deliver the final product you want.


Piktochart has an entire team to design the infographic templates that give you the best appearance in an infographic. On a weekly basis, the templates, icon, charts, maps, photos, and videos are updated. Forget Google to search what you need. You can find everything for your infographic at Piktochart. All the tools are intelligently laid out for you to create an out of the world infographic.


You can find dozens of templates that are free and easily customizable. You can upload your own graphics and with a single touch to place it wherever need. The tool focuses primarily on infographic design. If you are looking only for infographic design this tools will fulfill your purpose without a glitch.


Dipity is a kind of special infographic creation site. It is very much different from the other usual sites. It is a great way to create engaging timelines which can include image, text, audio, video, social media, links, time stamps and location. If you need an infographic based on time sequence this tool is the best. You can use the tool for free, but with a premium plan, you get a wider range of options.

 Many Eyes

Many Eyes is an IBM tool and is useful for data visualization. It a flexible tool that allows you to create your own visualizations. Most of the visualizations have discussion boards where you can discuss and comment around a visualization. The tool provides simple designs but the tool can be used to create visuals only for a small or a section of the project.


Venngage like some of the tools discussed above is an easy and simple to use. There are a variety of themes, templates, icons and charts to choose from. You can upload your own backgrounds or images. With Venngage you can also customize any theme so that it suits your organization or brand. The tool also provides the option for you animate the infographics.

Visualize me is another special type of infographic generator. It is a tool to create an infographic resume. You can create your resume in a more attractive way. Moreover, by connecting your LinkedIn account you can pre-populate some of the values from LinkedIn. This tool might mark the beginning of something big as it allows the users to express their data with great visualization impact.

It is well advised to start using infographics for your business if you havent yet started on it. The above tools will definitely help you reach the desired outcome. You can go for free as well as paid version of the tools for more exposure to the elements of the tool.

Senin, 26 Maret 2018

8 Steps to Reduce Thigh fat - Step-by-Step Guide

8 Steps to Reduce Thigh fat - Step-by-Step Guide

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In order to reduce thigh fat it is necessary to stick to a clear-cut strategy. I have compiled a reliable and easy-to-follow action plan for you. This plan covers the role of your body's overall fat percentage, the meaning of your metabolic rate, your eating habits in general and the performance of exercises. If you stick to the listed points, you will be able to reduce thigh fat.

- You need to know that you have to lower your body's overall fat percentage in order to reduce fat at your thighs. It is not possible to lose fat only on a particular part of your body. If you lose fat in general, your thigh fat will also be reduced. Your metabolic rate helps you lowering your body's overall fat percentage.

- Your metabolic rate is definitely a key factor on your way to reduce fat at your thighs. An increased metabolism allows you to automatically burn fat. Even when you are sleeping. You should stimulate your metabolic rate as often as possible. How to do this? Let's take a look at it.

- Performing exercises is a great way to boost your metabolic rate. Pick an exercise you like in order to keep yourself motivated. Here are some options: incline walking, rollerblading, jumping on a mini-trampoline, swimming, using the climbing machine and doing circuit training with weights.

- Perform your favorite exercise at least 3 times a week. Try to gradually increase the number of your workouts to 5. The good thing about exercises is that you do not have to practice longer than 30 minutes per workout in order to sufficiently stimulate your metabolic rate.

- Eating 5 times per day instead of the common 3 meals per day is an even more effective way to lose weight, and to ultimately reduce thigh fat. Why is that so? Every time you ingest food to your body, your metabolism is slightly boosted. By eating 5 smaller portions you are able to stimulate your metabolic rate twice as much than you do by eating only 3 times.

- In addition to this you should reduce the intake of simple sugar and fat to minimum. Avoid products which contain a lot of sugar and fat like sweets, cakes, sauces, crackers, candies, baked goods, cookies, snack foods, fried foods and ketchup.

- Eat more healthy food such as vegetables, salad, low fat meat, potatoes or low fat quark.

- Drink a lot of water - at least 3 liter per day. Your metabolic rate will also benefit from an increased intake of water.

Now that you know the steps you should stick to in order to reduce thigh fat, you should be able to lose some fat at your thighs. The most important factors are the role of your body's overall fat percentage, the meaning of your metabolism, your eating habits in general and the performance of exercises. In addition to the information in this article further detailed information exists, especially regarding nutrition and diet. With the knowledge provided in this article, however, you should be able to reduce thigh fat.

8 Simple Children's Fundraising Ideas

8 Simple Children's Fundraising Ideas

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With the recent economic hardships, the need for charitable donations is immense. While many children would like to lend a helping hand to those in need, few school-age students have a job or an income that will allow them to do much. Listed below, you will find 8 simple fundraising ideas for charity. These ideas can be used by anyone who wants to help those in need; even younger kids can spring into action and do something to change the world!

Car Wash. The tried-and-truth method of raising money, an old fashioned car wash is not at all outdated. A car wash requires very little in the way of start up funds, only requiring soap, rags, and willing scrubbers. Not only is a car wash a great way to earn money, but kids also have a good time working side-by-side

Bake Sale. One of the most popular fundraising ideas for charity, a bake sale is an excellent way to boost your donations. While it sounds like it would be a lot of work, a bake sale is actually very simple. With easy-to-make treats such as cookies and brownies, each child can bring several yummy things to sell.

Performance. While a performance takes a little extra work, it still provides an excellent opportunity for children to show off their skills while raising money for a good cause. A charity performance could be something as complex as a drama or just a simple talent show where each child presents a small skit or plays a musical piece.

Raffles. A raffle offers a great way to earn money for any cause. Supporters only have to donate a small amount of money for a chance at a big prize, encouraging them to participate. Talk to owners of a nearby restaurant or business and see if they would be willing to donate tickets for you to raffle; in this way, your charity raffle will have no start-up costs.

Auctions. It has been said that one mans junk is another mans treasure. Consider having an auction where children donate unwanted items. For a different approach, auction off new items that the children have made such as art work.

Face Painting. Everyone likes to have their face painted! Set up a table in a busy area and then offer face painting for a small donation. If given a little instruction, even young children can get in on the fun!

Cake Walk. A cake walk is a fun way for people to earn a tasty snack while giving their money to a good cause. To save on ingredients, give away cupcakes in place of full-sized cakes.

Bagging Groceries. Talk to local stores and find out if they will let your group bag and carry out groceries for the day. You can either set up to have the business pay you directly, or children can ask for donations from the customers they help.

Raising money for a charity can seem like a huge undertaking; however, with a little creativity and work, its easier than you might imagine.

Barry is a charity fundraiser and has worked in the field for several years. During his career he has enjoyed coming up with new fundraising ideas for charity and sponsorship ideas. For more information on the issues raised visit Easy Fundraising who can help with fundraising ideas for schools.

8 Bots To Ease Repetitive Ecommerce Tasks

8 Bots To Ease Repetitive Ecommerce Tasks

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Web robots make repetitive tasks easier for online shop owners like you.

They are designed to speed up or replace human work, allowing you to spend more time on things that matter more than checking your inventory, sales reports, and other store details by the hour.

Bots make an effective stock controller, social media manager, sales analyst, and overall virtual assistant.

Get to know eight of the most in-demand robots that can automate some or all of the processes in your Shopify store such as the ones we mention below.

Inventory and Sales Reports
Lets start off with Alexa, the superstar bot which powers the smart speaker Amazon Echo.

Installing the Shopify Alexa app on the said device will enable it to report pending orders, stock levels and other data pertinent to your products.

Aside from orders and inventory levels, another area in your store that requires a high degree of attention is your sales data.

Trust Numbersbot to gather your weekly sales figures and send you current reports and suggestions through Facebook Messenger or Telegram.

It will also analyse your average basket value, the days on which you sold the most number of items as well as those days when you sold the least.

Social Media Management and Remarketing
Posting fresh content about your product or business on your social media accounts is the key to customer engagement.

However, you must be consistent with this or else you end up being forgotten by everyone.

If social media management is one thing that you would rather not do, though, hand it over to Social Share Bot. It has the power to share your website and blog content on multiple social sites with a single click.

Now if youre dealing with lots of abandoned carts, a problem which festers many online retailers, leave ShopMessage to convert them into sales.

This bot reminds your customers of the items which they left in their carts through a personalised message, offers them a discount, and brings them back to your website to complete their transaction.

Email Marketing and Data Gathering
Kit is the robot version of a virtual assistant as it is capable of what the latter can do create Facebook campaigns, send thank you emails to customers, and update a storeowner with marketing trends and suggestions.

Shoppy Bot is, on the other hand, a chatty messaging bot that can answer any question that is relevant to your store, such as stock levels, sales figures, shipment volume, and average number of orders for a specific period, among others.

Workflow and Apps Management
If only you could teleport and monitor the workflow in your store whilst youre elsewhere, things will be easier.

Unfortunately, you cant do that, but you can install the Simple Shop Automation by Hextom and program it to carry out event-triggered actions.

One example would be when an order is updated, an email which contains the order details is sent to the customer. Another one would be every day at 5p.m., an email on the total sales of the day would be sent to your members of staff.

That tool has a counterpart for apps called Zapier. It connects the applications you use in your business, allowing them to talk to each other and carry out the tasks theyre programmed for without your intervention.

So, which of these web robots are you considering to hire?

Minggu, 25 Maret 2018

7 Pans That Every Baker Should Have

7 Pans That Every Baker Should Have

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Everyone who loves baking fully understands how pans are an essential tool in the kitchen. The type of pan you choose largely determines the texture and appearance of your end product thus making it very important for you to choose high-quality pans which should also be durable. This article will seek to discuss 7 must-have pans for every baker who seeks to have a great experience in the kitchen.

1.Half-sheet pans

Half-sheet pans are common for bakers and these normally come as medium weight, 12 by 16 inches aluminum pans. Although some might be heavier, it isnt in any way necessary to invest for super-heavy pans. These pans are sturdy and durable and the good news is that they are also inexpensive. They are ideal for baking cookies, thin cake sheets and jellyrolls. They are also used for toasting croutons or nuts and roasting chicken pieces and vegetables. They are multipurpose pans and a great addition to any kitchen.

2.Lasagna pans

Generally, lasagna pans derive their names from the pasta dish known as lasagna which incorporates wide and flat frilly-edged noodles cooked together with vegetable or meat tomato-based pasta pap, mozzarella cheese and spices. The best lasagna pans are basically any oven bake-ware thus covering stainless steel, tin, stoneware, ceramic, roasting or roaster pan.

3.Brownie and layer cake pans

These cake pans are normally round-shaped and in 8 and 9 inches, 2-inch deep. On the other hand, brownie pans are squared and come in 8 and 9 inches suitable for bars and brownies. Having these two sizes ready and available will help you cook different available recipes comfortably without increasing or decreasing the amount. When buying brownie and layer cake pans, always avoid dark finishes as these will give you undercooked cake centers and overcooked sides. Non-stick are also not the best solution and you shouldnt be swayed by them either.

4.Cookie Sheets

Rimless cookie sheets are ideal as they allow you to slide them under the delicate cake layers with an allowance to move or lift them with ease. There are different types of cook sheets including non-sticks, insulated, dark-colored ones and special surface cookie sheets.

5.Springform pans

Springform pans are ideal especially if youre the kind that loves making cheesecakes regularly. These pans differ from other regular cake pans in that they have a removable bottom which makes it easy to remove cakes when theyre fully cooked. You can also use these pans to make icebox cakes which are fancy and yummy.

6.Bundt Pans

For Bundt-type cake lovers, these pans will be amazing especially if you love their decorative contours. These pans allow you to divide your cakes into two halves thus making it possible for those who are Bundt-less to divide the ingredients and bake all at once. You can also use plain tube pan to bake full recipes instead of using the Bundt pan. When looking for the best Bundt pans, one that is heavyweight and with dark-finish as these are ideal for baking nice brown crusts.

7.Muffin pans

These pans are ideal for the cupcake or muffin lovers. When choosing your muffin pan, picking something that is great quality will be necessary as this will guarantee the quality of your baking while at the same time offering longevity. An aluminum pan will be great and if possible, avoid the dark non-stick options since they might deny you the perfect dome because they cook too fast.

While it is true that baking is an art, it must be appreciated that the quality of your pan plays an important role in determining whether youll enjoy quality results. always choose your pan wisely whether going for the best lasagna pan or a Bundt pan.

7 Common Misconceptions about Blogging

7 Common Misconceptions about Blogging

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It is the ultimate resource that gets comments, ranking power and generates a bulk of traffic. With the blogger cheat sheet everyone can get their post published anytime. Social engagement like a comment, a share or anything to prove yourself to others that your blog is more than a journal. If you want to make your blogging a cinch, here are some bloggers cheat sheet you can use next time to get your posts published.

Blog is to write

It is true that great content is the key success of blogging but you need to create a setup of our blog first, and then work on the layouts and designs and technical aspects to optimize the blog for success. You should know how to build your audience and optimize them. If you dont consider other things besides content then you are in a big fix. This will lead you to failure no matter how great your blog content may be.

Avoid Sharing Blog

It is normal to feel overwhelmed when your competitor writes a blog with great content and huge audience.  But sharing your competitors blog helps you to spread good blog online, it even shows your followers that you are determined to help them.


If you are a new comer to the blogging field then dont overload your site with lots of ads. People actually dont like ads but you can make them user friendly. Make sure your blog leaves the first impression because if a person likes your blog the first time he sees it, he will definitely comeback to read another article.

Its not bad at all to monetize your site for the hard work you put in, dont be impatient about money it will come but it takes time. Try to consider your blog having a real passion for your writing. Try to use blog topic ads to monetize your blog.

Post should be perfect

Building a perfect and lengthy article for your blog is time wasting because nothing is perfect. It will not help to build an audience. Blogging is about imperfections rather than perfection. People long for a great content that touches the audience and is real.

Try growing your network by writing constant stream of new content. It doesnt have to be perfect but valuable to the target audience.

A piece of cake

As life is not a bed of roses, in the same way blogging is not a piece of cake; you have to do a lot of hard work. You have to put in more efforts to show your content. Try to write consistently and tell your audience that when you are going to post a new article. Your readers expect you to be there on regular basis. Try sticking to the blog with a regular posting interval.

Blog is Uni-directional

Blogging in not just publishing your content and spread it. A great blogging is something about networking, collaborating and connecting. Blogging is about building a community.

Using NO social media automation tools

If you are new to blogging, it might be true that you can manage your social media sharing without using tools like Hootsuite, ViralTag, or Buffer. But with the passage of time you need to be present, active and consistent every day. You cant be online all day long, and here comes the automation tools of social media that make a huge difference.

If you do content curation on one day, scheduling your pins and tweets will keep your profiles active while not annoying the followers.

Not Use SEO

Your post should be up to the standards of SEO, otherwise people will find yours post in the search engines. Use WordPress SEO by Yoast, its the easy way to get started on optimizing your blog post.

Create Boring Headline

If you are not sure that your headlines will pick the interest of your readers? Try using Headline Analyzer by Co Schedule; it will give you rating out of 100 for attractive headlines. It will also give the grammar, structure and readability of your headline. It will also consider the emotional sentiment of your headline.

Sabtu, 24 Maret 2018

6 Tips For Planning Your Dog Birthday Party

6 Tips For Planning Your Dog Birthday Party

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The key to a successful dog birthday party (as with any other event) is in the preparation.

I thought I was slightly obsessed about my annual birthday celebrations for my dog and for many years kept it to myself for fear of being judged as the crazy cat lady by my friends, until I found out that there are many people just like me out there who throw a dog birthday party each and every year for their beloved pooches. You can celebrate your dogs actual birthday, the day of his adoption, or make a day up (but stick to that day each year)!

A number of surveys have shown that between 40 - 65% of dog owners celebrate their dogs birthday by throwing a dog birthday party, giving a dog birthday cake, special treat, new toy or commemorating with a trip to a special place.

If your planning on celebrating with a dog birthday party here are my 6 TOP TIPS that will help make the event run smoothly and ensure a fun filled day for your friends and their fury friends.

Before the big day you may want to consider some of the following:

1. Who to Invite

It is highly recommended to invite a small number of dogs that your dog is familiar with and played with before. Think about the space you will be hosting in and how many dogs you can cater for in this area without them trashing your house! And dont forget adult supervision! Remember, every dog you invite comes with a human companion, which means there are two mouths to feed per invite. Dont forget to check on food allergies and preferences for the dogs and their parents. You may like to include this on your puppy party invites.

If youre worried about canine conflict at your party, just invite the birthday dog and his human friends. That way, hes the centre of attention which he will no doubt love!

2. Food, Food, Food!

As with any great party food can make or break the event, and just like us dogs love their food! Highest priority, of course, is the Dog Birthday Cake to celebrate your pooches special occasion. There are so many creative ways to make a dog birthday cake that your pooch will love, and its another fun family activity where you can be creative in the kitchen! Youll probably find you have as much fun baking the cake as your dog will have eating it. There are so many different flavour combinations and creative decorating tips that can help make a unique dog birthday cake for your fury friend.

You will also need to serve up some tasty snacks and dog birthday treats for your pups fury friends. Providing Puppy Party Bags filled with treats and gifts are always a big hit for fury and human friends alike. There are loads of fun ideas on different party food that your dogs will love!

With all the excitement make sure to keep plenty of water easily accessible. Its best to have one bowl per dog spread around the yard for food and water to avoid conflict.

3. Entertainment

Party games are a great way to keep everyone entertained and are great bonding exercised for the dogs. There are so many great options be sure to have your camera on hand to capture the memorable moments.

4. Theme

Dog birthday parties are all about creativity, so think outside of the box and consider organising your dogs birthday party around a theme. There are so many cool options for themes for your dog birthday party. Some of our favourites (if we had to name a few) include pirate, halloween, princess, sports, superhero and beach themed dog birthday parties. Consider whether you want your guests to come dressed in costume for your chosen theme or whether your theme is for decorative purposes only. If you plan to host a dress up party then be sure to encourage your friends to bring their dogs in costume so that everyone enjoys the fun. There are so many great outfits to choose from for the special day.

5. Expect the Unexpected!

As the saying goes accidents will happen and with all the excitement expect the unexpected! Before the party be sure to take a good look around your space and remove anything valuable or that could be easily damaged by a swinging tail or the lift of a leg. But even the best planning cannot avoid all accidents so keep paper towels, cleaning spray, baggies and a first aid kit on hand just in case.

6. Greetings

Before the party gets into full swing introduce all dogs to each other outside of the yard/park in a neutral area to help avoid conflict later on. Be sure to ask your friends to bring dog leads for this, and once theyve gotten acquainted you can show them into the yard or park and release them from the leads. If you have the party in your yard make sure your gate and fence are secure so all those celebrating are safe.

6 Steps for Becoming a Software Outsourcing Company

6 Steps for Becoming a Software Outsourcing Company

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Software and outsourcing are becoming the need of the hour. With software requirements in all the sectors such as industries, medical and constructional sectors etc. it is becoming essential in the present scenario. With limited resources and investment, major sectors are going for outsourcing jobs rather than installing the required infrastructure for developing software.

With great need comes greater need to fulfil the requirement. Many organisations need the software for particular problem and they dont wish to invest heavy bucks by getting all the tools that are needed for developing software, hence being a software outsourcing company becomes much more beneficial and relevant.

What are the main steps to become software outsourcing company?

Infrastructure: Starting as software outsourcing company isnt a cake walk as it requires the good amount of investment and having proper infrastructure is the foremost important aspect. software outsourcing company should have proper office, latest computers and tools by which software can be developed. No customer will be willing to work with you till you satisfy them with your working environment.

Software Developers: Software developers are available easily due to the vast market of software development. But selecting them is very important as any developer might not be useful for your company. You should carefully select the developers which are needed for your company keeping in consideration of the background experience of the developer and his knowledge of the programming tools and languages.

Certifications: Getting certified can definitely help in boosting your company as whenever you introduce your company to the customer they can be rest assured of all the quality services that can be provided by your software outsourcing company.

Customising Software: There can be a scenario where your developed software might not be useful for some specific task, therefore, it is essential that you are well equipped with the knowledge to understand and develop software as per the need of the customer.The happiness of the customer depends on upon the fulfilment of their requirements. 

Testing of Software: Before handing the software to your client it is utmost important to check it at your end so that it doesnt show any glitches when it is used by the client. Fluent software provided by you can really help the organisation to become more effective and efficient. The presence of any bug or other error in Software might affect your product quality and its result into customer dissatisfaction. So, you have to confirm that the software is tested by skilled Tester before it dispatched to the clients. 

Services: Sales are important but it is after sales services that bring the customer back to you. If you dont provide them with proper solutions then it is likely that they wont show up again. Giving after sales service not only satisfies the customer but it makes them loyal towards your company.

At Last for any company to develop they need to use all the modern techniques to be with the trend of the market as sometimes using classical approach can make you stagnant. You have to aware about the market trends and the competitor market also. Know about the services provides by the competitor and try to provide the better services from them.  

You need to upgrade all the old versions of tools and programming languages so that you may come up with solutions faster. Nowadays everyone comes to know about the advantages and benefits of working with Software Outsourcing companies and they opt for it. Software outsourcing company is the next big thing in the field of technology and perhaps this is the most fruitful era for it to be started.

6 Easy & Healthy Salmon Recipes

6 Easy & Healthy Salmon Recipes

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Salmon Pasta Recipe

This salmon pasta recipe with a creamy garlic sauce is an elegant meal the can be prepared in just 20 minutes. No fancy ingredients are used in this recipe but still, youll get a restaurant like quality results. This recipe tastes like a lot of effort was put in to prepare this recipe, but its actually very easy, especially when you come back home in the evening after a long day at work. Garlic salmon pasta is a very good option for those who work in offices and have a busy routine.  And you can double or triple the recipe easily if you have guests on weekends, without adding a lot of extra work. So what else could be better?

Smoked Salmon Salad Recipe

This delicious smoked salmon salad recipe is prepared in just 30 minutes. No hard work is required to make this fresh, seasonal dish which is stylish enough for entertaining.

This recipe is no doubt delicious, nutritious and will get brunch of fans with a healthy dose of beneficial omega-3 fatty acids for brain health and function. As it is prepared quickly its perfect salad for a weeknight dinner. The great Lemon Juice, Olive Oil, Wholegrain Mustard and Red Chilies dressing is what makes a salad taste so good. If smoked salmon is not available you can also use grilled or pan-fried instead. 

Salmon Cakes Recipe

Salmon cakes are simply delicious and easy to make and takes only 30 minutes to prepare. These Salmon Cakes are so tasty that they don't even need a sauce. A simple squeeze of lemon or lime does the trick for these fantastic Salmon Cakes.

These salmon cakes are crispy from the outside, with tasty bites of flaked salmon. Its salmon that makes every bite such a treat. These salmon cakes are always finished fast as kids just love it.

This easy salmon cakes recipe uses healthy ingredients which are great for your health. Lets see how to make these salmon cakes step by step

Alfredo Salmon Pasta Recipe

Tossed with flakes of hot smoked salmon here is creamy Alfredo salmon pasta recipe. Follow the steps to toss the sauce & pasta with some of the pasta cooking water. Using only 1/2 cup of cream it makes all the difference to create a luscious creamy sauce!

We made this salmon pasta using dried fettuccine, unsalted butter, shallot, heavy cream, Parmigiano Reggiano, hot smoked salmon fillet, salt, and pepper. And we used Fresh parsley and Parmigiano Reggiano for garnish.

The recipe only needs a total time of 25 minutes and is enough to serve 3.  Try to purchase the salmon which is already smoked, but if you have practiced for that then you dont need to purchase already smoked salmon. Lets see how it is prepared.

Salmon Pasta Recipe with Peas

For whole family dinner, this Salmon Pasta Recipe with Peas can be prepared in 20 minutes. The kids will also love the fun shaped pasta and is enough for 4. You will love this pasta recipe, which is healthy, delicious and full of omega-3. This recipe tastes great with other types of fish such as mackerel and sometimes even with prawns. This is one of the easiest weeknight recipe and fancy enough for a special occasion. Lets see step by step how this pasta with salmon and peas is prepared.

Baked Salmon Salad Recipe

For an excellent spring lunch or quick dinner, Salmon Recipes is one of the best ways to fill your hunger with no time, The refreshingly crunchy baked salmon salad recipe is the best option to start your cooking, especially for those who have busy lifestyles.

The great thing about this salad recipe is that it can be refrigerated in an airtight container for up to 10 days and can be enjoyed later. Im sure that you will find many recipes here that you will love to try at home. We have a great collection of recipes that can be prepared in no time.

Jumat, 23 Maret 2018

5 Ways Leaders Support Change

5 Ways Leaders Support Change

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We hear everywhere that there is only one constant: change. If that is true, why do so many people find it so very difficult? One would think that if it is so common we would all be change agent experts chameleons if you will; but such is not the case. The majority of humans tend toward things that are routine in nature. From cradle to cubicle we look for routine. In school it was the sound of the bell ushering us from one class to another. At work its the sound of our meeting reminders ushering us from one meeting to the next. It is easy to move throughout our day without giving much thought to where its going or what exactly were doing until change comes along. Like a slap in the face it can hit hard. Whether its a new software system at work or deciding to no longer smoke, the behavioral changes that need to happen can seem staggering.

As a leader you can make a significant impact on your teams ability to accept or decline change. If your organization needs to make changes, no matter what those changes are, here are five ways you can support your team in accepting & adapting to the change:

1. Support the organizations direction
During times of change your team will keep a watchful eye on your words and actions. They will be looking to see if you are supporting the change taking place. Dont expect your team to accept the change if you are showing signs of doubt or concern.

2. Communicate as much as you know as often as possible
An area for improvement I find when coaching leaders during change efforts is the amount of time spent communicating to the team. You cannot over communicate during a time of change. Once you communicate a message, plan on communicate at least two more times. You can be fairly certain that the whole message was not received the first time through. The old adage I say to leaders is, communicate, communicate, communicate, and just when you think theyve got it, communicate it again!

3. Ask the team for their input and listen to their concerns
Support the change process by getting input from your team. Solicit feedback, ask for input, and listen to concerns. Teams are typically filled with questions during times of change. If you stay open and approachable they may let you in on what they are thinking and ask questions to gain clarity. If you appear to be stressed or too busy you may never realize how many questions they have or the kind of valuable input they are refraining from sharing with you.

4. Celebrate the small successes
During a change process its important to set milestones and celebrate the accomplishments along the way. What one person sees as a piece of cake someone else may see as insurmountable. Either way, do not let accomplishments pass by unnoticed. Recognize the team for the progress and change that has already transpired each step of the way. There are two common misperceptions in this area: first, leaders think they have to wait until there is a large enough accomplishment to warrant a celebration. Second, leaders think that celebration automatically means they must spend money. Each accomplishment, no matter how big or small, is worth recognizing. If you wait to recognize a small success until 3 or 4 more happen you could delay the celebration until it holds no meaning. In order to celebrate the small successes you may have to redefine the word celebrate. To celebrate something is to honor, to hold up or play up for public notice, or to observe a notable occasion with festivities (ref. Merriam-webster on-line). A small success can be honored or played up in a team meeting with no additional dollars needed.

5. Coach people through the change process
Times of change provide ample opportunity to flex your coaching skill muscles. The key is to connect with your employees and fully support them in reaching their goals. Part of the support may be in helping them see how they can overcome obstacles. Support can take many shapes and sizes. It may be listening or questioning. It may be recommending something or strategizing together. It may be motivating or challenging them. Coaching, a process of learning and growth, fits appropriately with times of change which are usually full of chances to learn and grow.

These are just 5 examples of how you can work to support your team through change in your organization. The next time there is change taking place, make it an opportunity to practice being a great change agent. Help your team navigate through the change in a positive way.

5 Stress Free Wedding Planning Tips Beat the Jitters

5 Stress Free Wedding Planning Tips  Beat the Jitters

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A List of Wrestling Match Types (WWE) Compiled by: WWE Characters the Blog
A traditional wrestling match is usually fought between two wrestlers or two tag teams, with the rules being a winner is declared via pinfall, submission, countout or referee decision (such as disqualification or a wrestler unable to continue). Here is a comprehensive list of match types you may see in World Wrestling Entertainment. Some of these are not even standard wrestling matches, but unique contests introduced at various events. This list may be updated from time to time as new matches are created.
Arm Wrestling Opponents each place their elbow on the arm wrestling table, then lock hands. The wrestler to slam his opponents hand down on the arm wrestling table first wins.
Battle Royal Every man or woman for themselves in this match. All wrestlers involved start out inside the ring, attempting to toss their opponents over the top ropes. The last wrestler left in the ring is declared the victor!
Beat the Clock Match - This involves a normal wrestling match which has a countdown clock. These are usually part of a tournament of matches. The first wrestling match in the tournament determines the time to beat. After this, the wrestlers in the following matches try to win while beating the "best time" that has been achieved for a win.
Blindfold Match There have been may of these matches over the years. Sometimes it involves both wrestlers in a blindfold, other times it has been 1 wrestler blindfolded to put them at a disadvantage. It's a traditional match in that pinfall, submission or countout usually can apply.
Body Slam Match - The winner is the wrestler able to slam his opponent onto the mat first. First used during Wrestlemania where Andre the Giant defeated Big John Studd by slamming him to the mat first to win a $15,000 prize.
Boiler Room Brawl A match started by Mankind (Mick Foley), it involved both wrestlers starting off in the dark backstage boiler room. The wrestlers would compete until one man was the first to escape/exit the boiler room. In one match the victor had to exit the room, go to the ring and retrive the "urn" from Paul Bearer.
Boxing Match This is a traditional boxing match with timed rounds and knockouts done in the wrestling ring. These date back to the days of Hulk Hogan, Roddy Piper and Mr. T, where boxing matches were added to the wrestling cards. Recently, Matt Hardy faced Evander Holyfield in one at Saturday Night's Main Event.
Bra and Panties Match A divas match in which the diva able to strip her opponent down to bra and panties first wins. Divas such as Torrie Wilson, Trish Stratus and Stacy Keibler have been a part of these matches.
Buried Alive Match A match synonymous with the Undertaker, it involves a dirt pit or grave plot usually up near the top of the ramp. The winner is the man who is able to knock his opponent down or out and then bury them alive by shoveling dirt over them in the grave.
Casket Match Another match often associated with the Undertaker, this one involves putting your opponent into a casket first and locking it shut to gain the victory.
Costume Matches Usually diva matches with traditional rules these include matches where the divas must wear bikinis, Halloween costumes, lingerie, school girl, cheerleader or French maid costumes among others.
Elimination Chamber A six man match which has elements of the cage match, Survivor Series match and Royal Rumble. It has a 36 foot in diameter circular cage which surrounds the ring. The structure contains 4 time-locked pods inside the ring, with a wrestler in each. The other 2 wrestlers start the match, and every so often a pod is unlocked, introducing a new man into the match. Wrestlers eliminate each other by pinfall or submission, and sometimes the match involves weapons. Last man to eliminate the final opponent will win. The match is considered the invention of Eric Bischoff and originated at Survivor Series on November 17, 2002. In the match, Shawn Michaels defeated Triple H, Booker, Rob Van Dam, Chris Jericho and Kane, to take Triple H's WWE title.
Elimination Match Usually involves a number of contenders in either an "every man for himself", teams, or "every tag team for themselves" style match. As any man is pinned they or their tag team are eliminated from the match, until one wrestler or tag team remains as the winner(s). This most likely was created out of the traditional Survivor Series match.
Evening Gown Match The object of this match was for a diva to strip her opponent of her evening gown first. Sometimes it was simply a crowd appreciation type event, with fans in the crowd cheering for which diva's outfit they like better.
Falls Count Anywhere A very simple premise, to win you can pin your opponent anywhere. This includes the ring, outside the ring, in the crowd, on the ramp, backstage and even places outside of the wrestling arena.
Fatal Fourway Involves four wrestlers competing at once for the win. The man who pins any of his opponents or forces them to submit first is declared the victor.
First Blood Match The wrestler who makes his opponent start to bleed first wins!
Flag on a Pole Usually two wrestlers involved and each has a different country's flag attached to the top of a pole in separate ring corners. The winner is the first one to climb the corner ropes and retrieve their respective flag.
Gauntlet Involves one wrestler or perhaps a tag team having to face a number of opponents and defeat each of them to win. Winning all of the matches is referred to as "Running the Gauntlet". Sometimes these matches involve a stipulation such as wrestler can stay in WWE, or they achieve a goal, such as becoming #1 contender for a title.
Handicap Match A match involving one side of the competition at a disadvantage as they must face more than an equal amount of opponents. This can be a 2 on 1, 3 on 1, 3 on 2 and so forth.
Hardcore Match These matches are similar to a Street Fight, with falls counting anywhere and weapons/foreign objects being used heavily all around the ring, arena, backstage and other areas. Used to involed the WWE's Hardcore title, which was defended on a 24/7 basis by its owner. The title holder could be challenged for the title, anywhere at any time, provided a ref was there to make the count.
Hell in a Cell This is the equivalent of a cage match, except the cage may stand as tall as 20 feet around the ring. In addition, the cage has a roof enclosure. Winning wrestler is the first to pin, knockout or cause their opponent to submit.
I Quit Match The wrestlers go at each other trying to force their opponent to give up and say "I Quit". The referee will continuously ask each opponent at various times if they are ready to quit.
Inferno Match Involves a ring surrounded by flames. The winner is the first to set his opponent on fire. Kane is considered the originator of this match and has fought in several.
Ironman Match - This match usually has a time limit of 60 minutes or less. Wrestlers win by picking up more pinfalls, submissions, or countouts than their opponent in the alloted time.
King of the Ring Not necessarily a match, it is more of a tournament of matches, where wrestlers face off to advance to the next round of the tournament. The winner is the one to win each round of the tournament, beating all opponents he/she faces. Usually the winner is crowned "King of the Ring" and owns that "title" until the next tournament. King Booker is the last notable winner of this tournament.
Ladder Match - The object of this match is to be the first man to set up their ladder and climb up to retrieve a title or other object hanging above the ring. Normally these are WWE title matches. The 1st ever ladder match occurred between Shawn Michaels and Razor Ramon.
Last Man Standing In this match wrestlers continue to fight it out until one man is down for a 10 count. Usually this match can start in the ring and then continue anywhere in or out of the arena.
Lingerie Match A divas match with traditional rules, except divas compete in lingerie.
Loser Leaves Raw (or Smackdown) Match a traditional match which includes the stipulation that the losing wrestler must leave that show or brand of WWE.
Lumberjack Match Involves a group of wrestlers surrounding the ring as a match goes on inside the ring. The lumbjeracks (or Lumberjills if it's divas) are responsible for tossing competitors who go outside the ring back inside it. Often times lumberjacks will attack opponents as well, making it similar to No DQ.
Mixed Gender Tag A tag team match which involves at least one of each gender on each team. Usually the rule calls for same gender opponents to be competing in the ring at all times. Other times, these matches allow males to face females in the match. Traditional match rules apply.
Mixed Martial Arts Involves traditional rules of Mixed Martial arts instead of wrestling. Often used the "Lion's Den" which was a steel cage that looked similar to the structure MMA uses. Wrestlers such as Ken Shamrock and Steve Blackman competed in these.
Money in the Bank This is basically a ladder match with a briefcase hanging above the ring. The briefcase contains a "free contract" which can be cashed in for a title match in WWE at any time. The winner of this match is the first wrestler to set a ladder up in the ring, climb it, and retrieve the "Money in the Bank" briefcase. Edge and Mr. Kennedy are notable winners of this match.
No Disqualification A no holds barred type match which usually allows for foreign objects and outside interference to be involved. Depending on the rules these matches can involve countouts.
Paddle on a Pole - Usually two divas involved each with a paddle attached to the top of a pole in separate ring corners. The diva to climb the corner ropes and grab her paddle first wins the match, and can use the paddle on her opponent.
Pillow Fight Usually a divas match in which divas have a bed set up in the ring and can hit each other with pillows. Traditional match rules apply with pinfall, submission and countout among the ways to win. Sometimes will involve lingerie.
Pudding Match This usually involves two divas competing in an inflated swimming pool full of pudding. It can also involve other liquids such as Mud, Jello or gravy (Thanksgiving theme). The object is for a diva to pin her opponent first in the pool of liquid.
Punjabi Prison Match This match involves a cage like structure with 2 different walls around the ring made of bamboo. The first wall is 4 sides and 16 feet high, with the second wall being 8 sides and 20 feet high. To win a wrestler must climb and escape from inside the two walls, landing on both feet outside the second wall. As of 2007, this match has happened just twice in WWE history. First ever was The Undertaker vs. Big Show. More recently Batista defended the World Heavyweight Title against The Great Khali in a Punjabi Prison.
Retirement Match Usually traditional rules apply here with the stipulation being if a wrestler loses they must retire from the WWE as a wrestler or manager/personality.
Royal Rumble An annual tradition which started with its first Pay Per View in . The Rumble involves 30 participants in this match with Battle Royal type rules. However in this match, only 2 men start off the match, and every 30 seconds to 1 or 2 minutes a new competitor will come down to enter the match. Competitor's entry order is usually predetermined by a lottery type drawing prior to the match. Like the Battle Royal, opponents are eliminated when they are tossed out of the ring over the top rope, and the final wrestler left in the ring wins.
Shilaleigh on a Pole A shilaliegh is attached to the top of a pole in separate ring corners. The wreslter to climb the corner ropes and grab his shilaleigh first wins the match, and can use the item on their opponent. This match relates to the Irish wrestler, Finlay, who brings a shilaleigh down to his matches and often uses it to attack opponents.
Six-Pack Match Involved six competitors on the apron where tags were not needed to enter the match. First man to score a pinfall over any other man would win the match, often for the WWE title or other title.
Special Referee This contest usually involves a wrestler, manager, commentator or other personality from WWE acting as the official. The match rules are normally similar to those of singles competition with countouts, pinfalls, submission and DQ's as ways to be victorious.
Steel Cage Usually involves a 16 foot high steel cage which surrounds the ring with its high walls. The winner is the first wrestler to either climb up and over the cage wall and land both feet outside the ring or escape through the cage door. Other ways to win, depending on the rules include a pinfall or submission inside the cage.
Street Fight A combination match between the falls count anywhere and no disqualification. Wrestlers can use weapons anywhere and everywhere and score the pinfall anywhere.
Stretcher Match The winning wrestler is the first one to send their opponent out on a stretcher for medical attention.
Sumo Match A match which involvs a traditional Sumo ring and rules. First man to force his opponent outside of the circle wins. Wrestlers such as Yokozuna and Big Show have competed in this style of match.
Survivor Series These matches started with the original Survivor Series pay per view. They were "elimination style" matches with two teams of wrestlers, with 4 or 5 wrestlers on each team. Wrestlers attempt to eliminate opponents one by one, until all opponents on one team have been defeated. The winning side can have anywhere from 1 to all of their members left.
Table Match The object of this match is for a wrestler or tag team to set up a wooden table and slam their opponent through it first.
Texas Bullrope Match Involves one wrestler tied to each end of a Texas Bullrope, which has a metal cowbell in the middle of it. Usually the object is for one wrestler to touch each corner turnbuckle consecutively to win. Pinfall victories are also sometimes used in these matches. May also be called a "Strap match" or "Chain match".
Three Stages Of Hell A match involving three separate matches. For example, first match can only be won by pinfall, second by submission and third by knockout. Or first match is a Cage match, second match a tables match, third a ladder match. The winner is the wrestler to win 2 of these 3 matches.
TLC Match Stands for "Tables, Ladders & Chairs". This match allows and involves the use of each of those objects. Usually the winning wrestler or team is the first to set up a ladder in the ring, climb it and retrieve a WWE belt or other object such as a contract. Triple Threat Match - Involves three wrestlers competing at once. The man or woman who pins any of their opponents first is declared the victor.
Tuxedo Match This is the male version of the diva Evening Gown or Bra and Panties match. In this match usually two male managers or ring announcers start the match dressed in full tuxedos. The winner is the first man to strip his opponent of his tuxedo.
Two of Three Falls Match The wrestler or diva to win 2 of the 3 falls in the match is declared winner. Usually, traditional match rules apply with pinfall, submission, countout and DQ as ways to win a fall. Sometimes these will allow falls to count anywhere as well.
Wager Match - Traditional match with a wager stipulation attached. Most common of these involve some sort of stipulation such as a "Hair vs Hair" match, or a match where if a wrestler loses they must provide managerial services, etc.

10 Of the Worlds Most Popular Ice Cream Flavors

Image source: 2. Chocolate (eight.9%) Now, for vanilla ice cream fans, there's ...